It’s spring. And spring is when a young man’s (and woman’s, we presume) thoughts turn to love… or whatever passes for love these days. And what better image is there for springtime love than a couple holding hands?
Holding hands is certainly an endearing sight. Two young lovers. Two older, mature lovers. A parent and a child. It’s all so wonderful.
There are, however, times when hand holding is not all that great. What about when an employer engages a new hire for the business and the employer realizes soon on that the young, exuberant and inexperienced new employee requires a lot of hand holding to get the job done. Sometimes even to complete what were considered to be simple, ordinary, every-day tasks.
Now hand holding isn’t so special
If the employer has the time and the patience to work with that younger, enthusiastic employee, all the better. It may even pay substantial long-term benefits. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
But the work needs to be done. And it needs to be done right. And sometimes it needs to be done now! And waiting for a new employee to get up to speed may be a luxury that the employer just can’t afford.
Then again, there are alternatives. These days it’s known as outsourcing. Agency people, consultants, freelancers – all standing at the ready armed with experience and expertise to meet whatever challenges may be thrown their ways. And, they need a lot less hand holding and oversight.